Online Sermons

Online Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/29/24 Rightly Dividing the Gospels Installment 132 Walen Mickey Sermon Rightly Dividing the Gospels Sun AM Walen_RDTG132.mp3
12/25/24 2 Samuel 3 and 4 and the Birth of Christ Aulvie Yarbrough Sermon N/A Wed PM Aulvie_2Sam3_4_BirthOfChrist.mp3
12/22/24 Spiritual Rest Rob Croft Sermon N/A Sun AM Rob_SpiritualRest.mp3
12/15/24 Evidence for God - Resurrection Chad Cogburn Sermon Evidence Sun AM Evidence_Part5_15Dec2024.pdf Chad_Evidence5_Resurrection.mp3
12/08/24 The Wrong end of the sword Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Sun AM Nathan_WrongEndOfTheSword.mp3
12/01/24 How the Church Started Darrel Yarbrough Sermon N/A Sun AM DarrelYarbrough_TheStartOfTheChurch.mp3
11/24/24 Why Do We Come to Church? Ben Kirby Sermon N/A Sun AM Ben_WhyAreWeAtChurch.mp3
11/20/24 1 Samuel 23 and 24 Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Wed PM Nathan_1Sam23_24.mp3
11/17/24 Rightly Dividing the Gospels Installment 131 Walen Mickey Sermon Rightly Dividing the Gospels Sun AM Walen_RDTG131.mp3
11/13/24 1 Samuel 21 and 22 Hector Trillo Sermon N/A Wed PM Hector_1Sam21_22.mp3
11/10/24 Romans 12 Part 1 Aulvie Yarbrough Sermon Romans (Aulvie) Sun AM Aulvie_Rom12_Part1.mp3
11/03/24 The Value of Godly Counsel Part 1 Duane Cogburn Sermon N/A Sun AM Duane_ValueOfGodlyCounsel.mp3
10/30/24 1 Samuel 19 and 20 Kai Alter Sermon N/A Wed PM KaNathani_1Sam19_20.mp3
10/27/24 Rocks and Roots Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Sun AM Nathan_RocksAndRoots.mp3
10/20/24 Evidence Part 4 - Reliability of the New Testament Chad Cogburn Sermon Evidence Sun AM Evidence_Part4_20Oct2024.pdf Chad_Evidence4.mp3
10/16/24 1 Samuel 15 and 16 Chad Cogburn Sermon N/A Wed PM Chad_1Sam15_16.mp3
10/13/24 John Near to God Rob Croft Sermon N/A Sun AM Rob_DrawNearToGod.mp3
10/09/24 1 Samuel 13 and 14 Aulvie Yarbrough Sermon N/A Wed PM Aulvie_1Sam13-14.mp3
10/06/24 Rightly Dividing the Gospels Part 130 Walen Mickey Sermon Rightly Dividing the Gospels Sun AM Walen_RDTG130.mp3
10/02/24 1 Samuel 11 and 12 Hector Trillo Sermon N/A Wed PM Hector_1Sam11_12.mp3
09/29/24 The Way of Love Ben Kirby Sermon N/A Sun AM Ben_TheWayOfLove.mp3
09/25/24 1st Samuel 7 and 8 Isaiah Flores Sermon N/A Wed PM Chad_1Sam7_8.mp3
09/15/24 Alphabet Soup Rob Croft Sermon N/A Sun AM Rob_AlphabetSoup.mp3
09/11/24 1st Samuel 5 and 6 Isaiah Flores Sermon N/A Wed PM Isaiah_1Sam5_6.mp3
09/08/24 The Holy Spirit Walen Mickey Sermon N/A Sun AM Walen_TheHolySpirit.mp3

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