Online Sermons

Online Sermons

If you're looking for any older lessons, just let us know.  We have an archive of older recordings that we can send out as needed.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/20/19 Mephibosheth Isaiah Flores Sermon N/A Wed PM Isaiah_Mephibosheth.mp3
11/17/19 Job: Part 4 Ben Kirby Sermon Job (Ben) Fellowship Meeting Ben_JobPart4.mp3
11/13/19 Jude 1 Hector Trillo Sermon N/A Wed PM Hector_Jude1.mp3
11/10/19 Truth: Parts 1 & 2 Chad Cogburn Sermon Truth Sun AM Truth_Parts12_Abq_10Nov2019.pdf Chad_Truth_Part12.mp3
11/06/19 Goliaths John Bray Sermon N/A Wed PM JohnBray_Goliaths.mp3
11/03/19 Glory to the Lord Aulvie Yarbrough Sermon N/A Sun AM Aulvie_GloryToTheLord.mp3
10/20/19 Rightly Dividing the Gospels Installment 88 Walen Mickey Sermon Rightly Dividing the Gospels Sun AM RDG_Installment_88--Abq_20_October_2019_mixdown_02.mp3
10/13/19 Hard Lessons Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Sun AM Nathan_HardLessons.mp3
10/09/19 James 2 Chris Nellos Sermon N/A Wed PM Chris_Walen_James2.mp3
10/06/19 Traditions and Cultures of Mankind Part 2 Duane Cogburn Sermon Traditions and Cultures of Mankind Sun AM Duane_TranditionsAndCultureOfMankindPart2.mp3
10/02/19 Ahab: Part 1 Sean Alter Sermon N/A Wed PM Sean_AhabPart1.mp3
09/29/19 Growth Part 7: Bearing Fruit Chad Cogburn Sermon Growth Sun AM Growth__Part_VII.pdf Chad_Growth_part7.mp3
09/25/19 Hospitality Duane Cogburn Sermon N/A Wed PM Duane_Hospitallity.mp3
09/22/19 I've Been Saved. Now What? Ben Kirby Sermon N/A Sun AM Ben_IveBeenSavedNowWhat.mp3
09/18/19 Worthy art Thou Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Wed PM Nathan_WorthyArtThou.mp3
09/15/19 If a Man Die Shall He Live Again? Walen Mickey Sermon N/A Sun AM Walen_IfAManDieShallHeLiveAgain.mp3
09/11/19 John 15 Isaiah Flores Sermon N/A Wed PM Isaiah_John15.mp3
09/08/19 Acts 9 Rob Croft Sermon Acts (Rob) Sun AM Rob_Acts9.mp3
09/01/19 Gift of Jesus Tim Kirby Sermon N/A Sun AM Tim_GiftOfJesus.mp3
08/25/19 Growth Part 6: Building Strong Branches Chad Cogburn Sermon Growth Sun AM Growth__Part_VI.pdf Chad_Growth_part6.mp3
08/21/19 The Passover Aulvie Yarbrough Sermon N/A Wed PM Aulvie_ThePassover.mp3
08/20/19 Traditions and Culture of Mankind Duane Cogburn Sermon N/A Sun AM Duane_TraditionsAndCultureOfMankind.mp3
08/11/19 Moses: Part 3 Aulvie Yarbrough Sermon N/A Sun AM Aulvie_MosesPart3.mp3
08/07/19 Verses Isaiah Flores Sermon N/A Wed PM Isaiah_Verses.mp3
08/04/19 Born Again Ben Kirby Sermon N/A Sun AM Ben_BornAgain.mp3

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