Online Sermons

Online Sermons

If you're looking for any older lessons, just let us know.  We have an archive of older recordings that we can send out as needed.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/01/22 Genesis 4 Shawn Willis Sermon N/A Wed PM Shawn_Genesis4.mp3 Genesis_4.pptx
05/29/22 1 John Part 16: Testimonies of God Chad Cogburn Sermon 1 John Sun AM Chad_1John_part16.mp3
05/25/22 Genesis 3 Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Wed PM Nathan_Gen3.mp3
05/22/22 Acts 25 Rob Croft Sermon Acts (Rob) Sun AM Rob_Acts25.mp3
05/18/22 Genesis 1 and 2 Walen Mickey Sermon N/A Wed PM Walen_Gen1And2.mp3
05/15/22 Works Of the Flesh Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Sun AM Nathan_WorksOfTheFlesh-1652667060.mp3
05/11/22 Hebrews 11 Isaiah Flores Sermon Hebrews Wed PM Isaiah_Heb11.mp3
05/08/22 1 Thessalonians 4:7-18 Duane Cogburn Sermon N/A Sun AM Duane_1Thess4_7-18.mp3 1_Thessalonnians_4___Vs_7-18.pptx
05/01/22 Satan as Religious Advisor Shawn Willis Sermon N/A Sun AM Shawn_SatanAsReligiousAdvisor.mp3 Satan_as_a_Religious_Advisor.pptx
04/24/22 Rightly dividing the gospels part 110 Walen Mickey Sermon Rightly Dividing the Gospels Sun AM Walen_RDTG110.mp3
04/17/22 Yes and No Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Sun AM Nathan_YesAndNo.mp3
04/13/22 Hebrews 10 Isaiah Flores Sermon Hebrews Wed PM Isaiah_Heb10.mp3
04/10/22 Romans 5 part 1 Aulvie Yarbrough Sermon Romans (Aulvie) Sun AM Aulvie_Rom5_Part1.mp3
04/06/22 Hymn Study Walen Mickey Sermon N/A Wed PM Walen_Duane_Hymns.mp3
04/03/22 God's Love Shawn Willis Sermon N/A Sun AM Shawn_GodsLove.mp3 Gods_Love_-_The_Precious_Blood_of_Jesus.pptx
03/27/22 Acts 24 Rob Croft Sermon Acts (Rob) Sun AM Rob_Acts24.mp3
03/20/22 Why Do You Believe the Bible Chad Cogburn Sermon Truth Sun AM Truth_Part_6_Why_I_Believe_the_Bible_v2.pdf Chad_WhyDoYouBelieveTheBible.mp3
03/13/22 Cast Your Burdens On Me Ben Kirby Sermon N/A Sun AM Ben_CastYourBurdensOnMe.mp3
02/27/22 Rightly dividing the gospels part 109 Walen Mickey Sermon N/A Sun AM Walen_RDTG109.mp3
02/23/22 Hymn Study Haven Cogburn Sermon N/A Wed PM Haven_Walen_Hymns.mp3
02/20/22 Mysteries of the Bible Nathan Alter Sermon N/A Sun AM Nathan_MysteriesOfTheBible.mp3
02/16/22 Hebrews 9 Isaiah Flores Sermon Hebrews Wed PM Isaiah_Heb9.mp3
02/13/22 Romans 4 Aulvie Yarbrough Sermon N/A Sun AM Aulvie_Romans4.mp3
02/06/22 Biblical Creation Shawn Willis Sermon N/A Sun AM Shawn_BiblicalCreation.mp3 Biblical_Creation.pptx
01/30/22 Acts 23 Rob Croft Sermon Acts (Rob) Sun AM Rob_Acts23.mp3

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